9:00am - Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary

10:00am - Adult, Youth and Kids Faith Groups meet throughout building

11:00am - Contemporary Worship Service in the Sanctuary

We are excited to offer Faith Kids & Faith Youth on Sunday mornings! Nursery is available for children from birth through preschool from 9am to 12pm. At 10am, Faith Kids & Faith Youth Sunday School classes meet in their respective wings. Kid's Connection is held during the 11am service.


We have a love and passion for music in all forms and have several ministries that offer an opportunity for volunteers to share their musical talents.

Chancel Choir | Contact Tricia Jenkins

Our Chancel Choir sings twice a month during our 9am Traditional Service. Vocalists of all skill levels and ages are welcome. This ministry currently meets on Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in learning more about getting involved in this ministry, contact our Traditional Music Director, Tricia Jenkins.

Contemporary Praise Team | Contact Jonathon Garrett

We have a volunteer Praise Team that leads us in worship during the 11am Contemporary Services. We use acoustic, electric and bass guitar, keyboard, drums, and vocalists in in our service. Volunteers play on a rotation and rehearse on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. If you are interested in learning more about getting involved in this ministry, contact our Director of Contemporary Worship, Jonathon Garrett.

Echoes of Faith Handbells | Contact Michael Utesch

Our Handbells ministry shares their music with us in various worship services throughout the year. This ministry meets on Wednesday evenings for rehearsals. If you are interested in learning more about getting involved in this ministry, contact our Handbells Director, Michael Utesch.