Transition to Summer

It’s a little crazy around the office these days. Ladies are making clouds, yes I said clouds, in the workroom. Mark is building worship backgrounds for youth camp in June. VBS recruitment is in full swing and the worship team finished their long term planning for the rest of the year. Seungrok and I are trying to figure out how to get all our work done and spend next week at annual conference.

The pace of life is changing with school ending and summer travel season beginning. It’s nice. My grandson Henry is sleeping until 9 am each day instead of being at my house at 7:30 am. I miss him but I also enjoy having a little extra time in the mornings. I have even taken to making my bed everyday. My husband is surprised!

The United Methodist Church designates this Sunday as “Peace with Justice” Sunday. We take a special offering that goes towards projects both in our state and around the world working for peace. In a world plagued with war and destruction, working towards peace and justice is worthy work.

Then we leave for annual conference in OKC on Wednesday and work in the city until Saturday. Seungrok and I have both been invited to the Bishop’s retirement luncheon. We also have one of our youth who will be attending and representing Faith. A few years ago, they stopped having youth delegates at Annual Conference and the difference was palpable. Instead of joy and energy on the first few rows with our youngest delegates, those chairs sat empty and silent. I am looking forward to seeing them filled again this year. I am also looking forward to the spirit of unity that should be part of our gathering together. Because I will be gone all week, I have asked Rev. Jeff Jaynes to preach for me the following week. I will be in worship to do all the other elements and will look forward to seeing you.

June 2nd is also Promotion Sunday in our children and youth departments. The next class of kindergarteners will be moving into the Kid’s department from the nursery and the 5th graders will be moving into the Youth department. There will be a big celebration in both areas.

I hope you enjoy this slower pace of life and will be joining us in worship.


Faith Tulsa