After Easter Opportunities

Our new Easter series is one that was inspired by the work that I have done recently with my Disciple Bible Study. We are 27 weeks into the study of the four gospels. It has been an eye opening experience. “Initiating Grace” is based on the resurrection appearances of Jesus. But what is unusual is that we are focusing on people that he appeared to, whose relationship to him was broken. We begin with the couple on their walk to Emmaus who are discussing their disappointment with what happened in Jerusalem. Then we move to Peter who denied knowing Jesus three times as Jesus was being executed. Then we jump to Paul who was literally hunting Christians when Jesus appeared to him. And lastly we take at look at Jesus’ brother James who we learn in the gospel of John did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. What I love about these texts is that Jesus shows up in all of these situations initiating and extending grace. I look forward to this journey together.

I am excited by the many new things that we are offering for this Easter season. I will be resuming for six weeks on Saturday mornings the Hiking with Heather group. We will meet at Turkey mountain at 7:30 am. By moving this to the weekend, I don’t have to rush away to get to the office.

On the 14th, we are hosting our next Faith Welcome luncheon. We meet with new and prospective members and guests about the values of our congregation. We answer questions about Faith and who we are and what we believe. Participants get to meet some of the staff and we have a very thorough tour of the building. People are always surprised by how big our campus actually is. If you would like to join us for lunch, please email me here.

On April 21st at 2 pm, we will be dreaming about what Jesus is calling us to next. The Leadership Team is looking for feedback about our vision for the future. This Town Hall meeting will be in the Chapel and all are welcome.

If you are a fan of The Chosen, I hope you will be here for the streaming of the new season on Monday nights. Many of the people in my Disciple class have spoken very highly of the series. Season 4 has not been released in other venues yet so you will have the opportunity to see it here first! We begin on Monday the 8th.

We have had requests to purchase the art work that was featured for Lent. I have a few pieces for donation in the office or you can order a print from here.

Remember that the season of Easter lasts for 50 days long!

Faith Tulsa