Inclement Weather Plans and Classes to Join

This week we hope to gather for worship on Sunday and continue our conversation about doubt and belief. According to the current weather reports, snow should begin just after midnight on early Sunday morning. I will get up and drive to the church at 7 am (like I do every Sunday) and make a determination about the safety of the roads. I will decide by 8 am if we will be gathering in person for worship. We will have worship no matter what, but if the roads are unsafe, we will gather virtually at 11:00 am. This should give me time to enact plan B. If the campus is closed due to weather, we will live stream one blended service at 11:00 am for both Faith and Living Water. Pastor Seungrok and I lead worship together.

If we close the campus on Sunday, our Faith Welcome luncheon will be rescheduled to Feb. 11th in the Youth Room at noon. The Martin Luther King Jr. Parade has been postponed because of the cold temperatures expected on Monday.

In the midst of all this talk about snow, I wanted to celebrate that the new Sunday school class for adults had 18 people attend with 4 more who verbally committed but were unable to attend on Sunday. This is wonderful and showed how much starting something new was needed. If you are looking for a group to join, it is not too late. This new class meets in room 505 in the adult wing of the church.

Also, I wanted to remind people of things that we have ongoing that you can jump into for the new year.

  • Meditative Movement is a Tai Chi based class that offers an opportunity to help people have better balance. Mark Hoskins leads this class on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm and Thursday mornings at 11:00 am in the Faith Chapel.

  • Stretch and Tone is an exercise class that stays seated in a chair. It is a wonderful way to build strength . They meet on Monday afternoons at 2:30 in room 505 in the Adult Wing.

  • The Faith Knitters meet on Mondays at 1:00 pm in room 503 in the Adult wing. They are willing to teach you if you would like to learn. They make prayer shawls and hats as their gifts to the church and community.

  • Board Game Days are the first & third Thursdays of every month at 9:15 am in Room 503 in the Adult wing. Games are provided or you can bring one to share. All ages are welcome.

If you are looking for something more cerebral for your new year, then we also have these options.

  • Bible Discussion group is led by Richard Perry on Mondays from 4-5:30 pm in room 503 of the adult wing. They read and discuss the lessons from the scriptures together.

  • Tuesday morning ZOOM Bible study meets at 10:00 am during the school year and is coordinated by Jill Hoffman. The topics change regularly and you can participate without having to leave your house!

  • Coffee and Conversations meet on Friday mornings at 10 am in room 503 of the adult wing. Conversations are ripped from the headlines and considered through the lens of scripture and theology.

These options are things that we offer to anyone who wants to participate and build community. It is a great way to meet some people and make some friends. I hope you will find a way to connect that helps you thrive.

Prayers for us all in the cold. Stay safe my friends,

Faith Tulsa